Sunday, July 19, 2009


This is Eartha (after Eartha Kitt). She is horse #3, and is only a colt (little one). She reminds me of the 1970s (not that I was there, but I've seen pictures).

I spent most of last night when not watching Merlin, Nature's Great Events {amazing} and The Last Enemy {amazing} looking up 'random articles' on Wikipedia. I can now tell you all about chlornaltrexamine and magnetoception. The first is a super-strong "irreversible mixed agonist-antagonist" which is 22 times more lethal than morphine (I guess this means it is a poison). The latter is how dolphins and birds migrate using the Earth's magnetic field.

I just had the sinking realisation that I have to go back to university this week. Argh. I just want to be grown-up already.