Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I loved doing this. The concept was basic: a group of us COFA kids (by 'kids' I mean students) were asked to paint murals around the Intensive Care Ward of Westmead Children's Hospital here in Sydney.

I ended up doing the nurse's station.

(Concept Statement)
The aim of the proposed mural for the nurse’s station of the Helen McMillan Paediatric Intensive Care Unit was to create a feature wall that would add colour and interest to the ward. The nurse’s station is the central area of the ward, and is therefore is a space which is used by hospital staff, patients and parents. An awareness of the different users of the space led me to consider what activities children and adults alike can enjoy. As a result the inspiration behind the mural became the activity of ‘cloud watching’.

In terms of the design of the mural I wanted to create a design that is both colourful for the young patients of the ward, but also simple enough to serve as a background to those who use the nurse’s station on a daily basis. With this project I endeavored to create a mural that serves the purpose of brightening up the days of the people connected with the ward.

Please excuse the poor photos - you may need to click on them to get a better idea of the content.

I don't know / remember what is in that tray on the counter.


On the very first day of the project, I drew a scribble in my diary that closely resembled the above, there was just something which I really liked about it.

Start of the design process - looking at 'passive fascination' = clouds I guess.

Mock up of mural in situ -- notice the poor Photoshop skills..?

Design - this project taught me it is so much easier to draw circles in Illustrator than on a wall in a hospital standing above x-ray viewing equipment.


In situ (sort of) -- will have to add photos when I find them.


It would appear that Ingo has returned from a hiatus (of sorts). These lengthy absences tend to happen when you lack any form of motivation to document your work after you have slaved over a project for months.

I have done a fair bit since May 2007. I would definitely say that my style has become somewhat more refined and I have developed a whole other level in terms of my practice.

My new thing (as of just now): to attempt to write / post something here at least twice a week. Thus forcing me to be creative.

In theory this works.